
Secret Words Of The Day.

Shadow Mortons.

Fun stuff last night as a merry band of musicians made rock and roll sounds in celebration of Jenna and Larry. Danceable, head bop-able, and smile inducing. All Portland and Seattle based folks. And apparently from some pretty known bands. I just thought it was fun as hell! And now... as I work my way to the bottom of the pot of coffee I have a pot of kapama on the stove to try to get some made up to feed to The Cilch Sisters. I had an absolute blast with them yesterday! Life is better with some Cilch in it! Today won't be any different! I am meeting up with them at a wee bit before 11 am and we shall head off the the brunch gathering at Jenna and Larry's.  Those two are gonna be dead tired! All this celebration... all of these people in from all over the country.. and super late nights are totally gonna wear them out! But they we super happy last night and surrounded by som many great people.. so wonderful to celebrate people! 

Makes me smile just thinking about it!

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