
And just then...

In came a text from a friend in need of some support. Miracle of all miracles, since I switched to Verizon, I actually get calls and texts! So I was able to respond to my pal. Little by little I am reaching out, and some are reaching back now that I can actually talk/text from my cell while in Bisbee.

Nothing like loving up your friends when you feel like you have something to give. And I mean that with all of my heart. Thanks be to the "whatever" that I have my head screwed on semi-straight so I can be there for my pal.

I am still one of the worst people for actually reaching out for help...  but tonight in giving it, I see how good it is for me to support others and be able to put my own shit in perspective as a result of getting to be outside myself.

No ego involved.. just love and compassion right now.

However.. does blogging about it mean I have ego involved?  Or am I just TMI Girl?
 Hell I dunno... I'll say this though, I'm still listening to Elbow. And it still hits that sweet spot.

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