
Worky McWorkerson

I feel like it's been forever since I worked! I get a double dose today though. In the coming weeks I'll be picking up extra shifts and replenishing the coffers. Good timing for all of that.

So I had some reiki while I was in VA. And she did some work on my back. I have become very aware of the exact spot that she worked on... and it happens to be pretty much where all of my back yuck starts from. I won't go into the specific details, but I get it. I see what she told me to be quite true in an energetic sense and I see that forgiveness of myself and others is in order. It's kinda like when I had hives every year as summer got closer and then I just got so wrapped up in how awful that was that I then started getting them all year. And then I chose to be happy and do things that fed my soul.... and the hives went away. I spent almost 20 years in hell with that and my body has always been my teacher.

Getting to go to VA and be a positive force and a stand for someone's well being (regardless of how much time they have left on this planet) left me with a deep love for the chosen extended family members. That's a gift right there.

In a way I am just now learning how my decisions and attitudes really shift my body and my spirit. It's a deeper level. And it requires care. So while I get to work more in the coming weeks, the real work is once again focused on me and my wacky journey to be the best Wen I can be.

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