

I'm streaming the new Wilco album this afternoon before work (on my phone) . It's good! Have never really delved much into their stuff with any dedication, so this is a nice treat... may have to dig into them a little deeper.

It's been a day of cleaning, rearranging, disassembling, cursing at the disassembling, and dreading the reassembly of things. And the kitchen is just about there. Good thing I was able to fight off the urge to not focus yesterday. I had a window of opportunity to go have lunch with a pal and reigned in my desire to do anything but clean by saying no and getting back to the house and organizing more and such. It was a close one though.

And this morning I am purging a few item around here to just make space for whatever is next. I'll be at my storage unit on Tuesday figuring out what to give the old heave ho to as well... I am gonna go ahead and try to get my old stove here in the house because that would pretty much be the best thing ever now that the dehydrator is here for kale chips.  My goal is to have no paid storage unit by the end of the year. I can't afford that luxury! What the hell was I thinking?

So it's a bunch of broken up shifts for me the next several days..  but should be a good bunch of people here in this wacky little town for the holiday weekend. Lots to do before next week's tour. So I'd best get on it!

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