

The weather switchup down here in Tiny Town was drastic as predicted. Yesterday was perfect and sunny. This morning is sideways sleet/snow and total blech out there. I have a broken fake palm tree to deal with sooner than later, as the wind is wreaking havoc with it. 
After coffee chore for sure. 

The kitchen is in mid-pack to disassemble the big rolling work bench that has been my desk/dining surface. I still need to work this all out in my head.. Ugh. 

With the weather being so shitty, that should make for a good day to make more headway. I am not distracted by needing to be outside. I took an hour to sit on the porch with some music on the ipod just before the sun went behind the mountain. That is kinda my special time. It feels like such a sweet moment that I am allowing myself to have. 

So much stuff logistically to figure out. My home is in need of spiritual/spacial shifting. And I am feeling resistance to the change. I guess I could just have the pinball at The Mother Unit's house. I definitely wouldn't give myself carpal tunnel as quickly ... 

Lots to work out right now. 

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