

I have Season 4 of Game of Thrones on in the background. Funny how you pick up all the silly little things by replaying shows. I had gotten seasons 1-5 a while back, and just received season 6 this week. And while I couldn't bear to watch The Red Wedding scene, I have moved through it in sequence. Sometimes watching, and sometimes just listening. Today is a listening day..

I'll be starting to prep the walls of the kitchen for a little painty-painty today. I hope I don't hate it with new color. More coffee will fuel the progress I'm sure. We have a delicious Brazilian coffee in the shoppe and it is a really smooth well rounded cup for sure.

The extreme discomfort from treating my face for skin cancer has finally subsided and I feel like I can really focus on house projects today. I even put the kibosh on hanging with the bestie, so I could get some stuff done around here.

Here is to brighter and better each day.

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