
Yard Sailing.

Intentional typo there.

I'm making an extra pot of jolene to take over to my pal Dana's house this morning and help her with her big yard sale. They also are having an open house so there should be tons of people. I wanted to be out and about so here is my chance. I got caught up in making plans for the vegan pot pie.. and in a flurry of fun music including Kate Bush and Letters To Cleo.


I miss being in it. I got some sads this morning about that. I'm still not at a point where things are pulled together to where I can get my resume put together and get it out there to the music people. But I'm working on it. Storage units need emptying.. and I need to build up some savings. Having a job would help that tremendously. Nothing yet... still poking around here for something. I can't do something where I'll be miserable. So I have only approached folks/businesses I have a good feeling about.

Trim the sails! Prepare to tack!

Time to YARD SAIL !

I might love music more than I do coffee.. I need both to survive for sure.

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