
Well then.

Back in Tiny Town after last night and today finishing up a shit ton of stuff I set in motion. Thank you's, green chairs, shopping for eating day next week, connecting with old friends, looking at cars for my pal Gretchen, being offered a chance to help a friend market a product, supporting more friends, making good on promises, and more.

I wanted to leave Tucson by noon, but didn't get to roll out of town till 4. I did however get it all done. That feels good. And the act I scouted last night to come down to Bisbee was a winner. I'll venture out into town tomorrow to ask the preferred venue if they are interested and hopefully it goes forward.

Things to look forward to. That's better than nothing! 

It's chilly down here but I am home for a few days and I have some ideas. Look out!

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