
Willcox or Bust!

On Saturdays I head off to Warren to pick up the bestie. It has become a thing since she moved down here. Some days it's stuff around town, and others it's a wee road trip. Having a job again makes road trips do-able. It's my splurge each week.  Something fun... and time filled with laughter and also, often time for reality checks from someone who I totally trust to call me on my shit.

Today we are going to take on Willcox. Home of Annie's Apple Orchard, and lot's of religious folk. Could make for some good people watching.  She has no idea where we are going. Initially I was just gonna take us to Benson for brunch.. but Willcox sounded funner. Plus, it's peach season. I feel some big bags of peaches in my future.

Looks to be a hot and sweaty day here in AZ.. nothing says cooling down like a trip back in time to a small town full of most likely Trump supporters.

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