
Bonding time.

It was suggested to me that perhaps my house needed to be smudged and cleared before I move in.

Of course!

I hope to have a pal coming over after work today to do just this. I spent time over there doing a load of laundry and moving boxes to different places. I didn't really unpack anything yet. There are still too many things missing. I still have to bring over 2 chests of drawers and the last set of lockers. The bulk of everything in the boxes is clothes and DVD's/cd's and then there is all the kitchen stuff. There is gonna be a thinning of the heard there too...

Wrapping my head around it all last night, I decided to plug in the tv and watch a Sigur Ros music documentary. That seems like a gentle and good thing.

The sweet other-worldness of Jonsi is soothing for sure.

I plugged in the lava lamp earlier. They take hours to heat up and start to glop around the liquid appropriately.

Then I sat on half of the couch I brought over Saturday and listened to the sounds of the new neighborhood, Sigur Ros, and took it all in.

It's a process. And I am outta town the bulk of the week/weekend for the Sea Level Fest in VA. So another week not moving but a great weekend for music and music community. That's a fair trade-off.

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